What to Do in an Emergency

If you need help right now, you can call 999. This is the number to call in an emergency.

These are examples of when to call 999:

  • When you or someone is hurt or you think someone may hurt you.
  • A crime is happening now.
  • You are lost.
  • There is a fire or people are trapped.
  • Someone is in trouble on the cliffs, on the shoreline or is missing at sea.
  • Or if you think you or someone else is in any kind of danger.

Here's what you do to make an emergency call:

  • Take a deep breath and stay calm
  • Call 999 from the nearest phone. You do not need money/credit, signal or even a sim card to call 999. If you do not have a phone, try shouting for help if it is safe to do so.
  • Someone will answer the phone. Tell them what is wrong.
  • Tell them your name and where you are. It's even better if you know the address. If you don't know where you are, try to look at the things around you and try to describe it. If you are inside, try to look outside. If it is safe to do so, ask someone where you are.
  • Explain what happened.
  • The person on the phone will tell you what to do. Listen to them carefully. Stay on the phone until they say it's OK to hang up.
  • Wait in a safe place until an emergency team arrives.

If it is not an emergency but you think you need help or advice, you can talk to a teacher at your school to help you. You can also talk to friends and family that you trust. You can also contact Childline on 0800 1111 or online

You can report a crime to South Wales Police online if it is not an emergency or you can ring the non-emergency number for the police at 101.