Have your say

As a young person it may not always be easy to get your thoughts and opinions heard. You may have lots of great ideas about what you would like to see in your local community or ways that we can make things better. Whether at school, in your free time, the services you would like to see or those you already use; you can tell us what you think!

Below there are some really useful websites that offer you the chance to have your say and make your voice heard.

Lets Talk RCT

Lets Talk RCT offers you the chance to have your say on a range of different subjects in your local area from climate change and the environment to what services you would like to be available. There are regularly new topics on offer for you to contribute to and help to make the changes you would like to see for Rhondda Cynon Taf. 

Voices from Care

Voices From Care is an organisation for young people who have been looked after by local authorities in Wales. It is run by people who have experience of being looked after themselves and offer a chance to have your say and make things better for other young people who are looked after. You can access:

  • A chance to put your story across and help to make services better.
  • Advice and Support Services for those looked after or leaving care.

You can contact Voices from Care via:

Their website: https://vfcc.org.uk/
Telephone: 02920451431
Email: info@vfcc.org.uk 

Youth Engagement and Participation Service (YEPS)

RCT’s Youth Engagement and Participation Service offer a wide range of services for young people aged between 11 and 25 in Rhondda Cynon Taf. To help support you and offer the activities and help you need, they are asking for your input on what you think is needed and your day-to-day life: 

To get involved in YEPS or to access their survey visit the site here.