
If you, or anyone around you are hurt, seriously unwell or in danger, phone 999 straight away. You can click here to find out what to do in an emergency.

Worrying about money can make you very stressed. There are many services in RCT that can give money advice and support to children and young people up to the age of 25. We have put them all in one place so you can quickly decide which one is best for you.

Youth Engagement and Participation Service (YEPS) offers money advice for young people in RCT such as:

  • Banks and building societies
  • Benefits
  • Budgeting
  • Debt

Citizen's Advice in RCT can help you with:

  • Benefits
  • Debt
  • Housing
  • Consumer
  • Parking tickets

Childline have excellent advice and guidance on the following topics:

  • Worrying about money
  • Coping with money problems
  • Budgeting
  • Saving 

The NHS has advice on how to cope with financial worries

Shelter Cymru has resources and office advice on:

  • Emergency help with money
  • Debt
  • Mortgages
  • Money advice

Transport for Wales Cymru offer a variety of discounted travel cards such as:

  • Two together
  • 16-17 Saver
  • 16-25 Railcard
  • 26-30 Railcard
  • Family and friends
  • Senior
  • Disabled persons
  • Job centre plus
  • Student
  • Veterans 

DEWIS is a database of all services that can help in your area. Here you can access a list of all services that give money advice in RCT.