Family and home

If you, or anyone around you are hurt, seriously unwell or in danger, phone 999 straight away. You can click here to find out what to do in an emergency.

There are many services in RCT that can give advice and support children and young people up to the age of 25.  We have put them all in one place so you can quickly decide which one is best for you.

Youth Engagement and Participation Service (YEPS) offers support for service children in RCT.

Young Carers RCT can offer support to young people who are caring for a parent, adult or sibling.

Childline have excellent advice and guidance on the following topics:

  • Living in care
  • Young carers
  • Family problems
  • Divorce and separation
  • Running away
  • Stepfamilies and second families
  • Social services
  • Homelessness
  • Abuse
  • Moving out
  • and much more!

Citizen's Advice in RCT can help you with:

  • Living together
  • Separations and divorce
  • Gender violence
  • Looking after people