Resilient Families Services

Resilient Families Service (RFS) aims to identify families in need of support at the right time, to provide swift resilience focused assessments, to remove practical barriers to positive change and to provide timely, appropriate and effective interventions. The Service aims to deliver improved support to families in quicker response times; shorter and sharper diagnostic assessment; a trusted single point of contact and pro-active practical support to engage with interventions designed to increase resilience levels.

The Service is managed by Lisa Lewis and is part of Children’s Services. RFS consists of eight teams:

Assessment Brokerage and Review (ABR) Teams - managed by Jo Lewis (West) and Ceinwen Llewellyn (East), undertakes assessments with all families referred to the Service, creates an individual plan for every family plan and reviews the plan to ensure the work has been done. 

Families Plus Teams - managed by Samantha Greedy, works with families that are close to the Children’s Service threshold for intervention and require intensive support to reduce the level of risk within the family.

Children with Additional Needs Service (CANS) Team - managed by Lynne Jay, works with any family where the learning, physical or neuro-developmental needs of a child within the family is impacting on family life.

Parenting Support Team & Talk and Play (TAP) Team - managed by Tracy Symon, works with parents and children to develop early language and communication skills through play as well as supporting families to develop their parenting skills to manage their children’s needs in a productive and positive way.

Families Teams East and West Teams - managed by Zoe Parfitt and Sarah Gooch, work with families that require support to improve the quality of family life and are employed by Barnardos.