These top tips help to develop your child’s speech and language.

- Let’s play every day!
Did you know that - Play gets children to learn to talk. It gives them opportunities to learn new words and experiences. Through play, rhymes and stories, everyday routines are transformed from chores to pleasure.
- Listen to me not the TV!
Did you know that - Children learn words better from people than the television. Background TV can stop children developing concentration skills.
- Sing me a rhyme at nappy time or anytime!
Did you know that - Songs and Rhymes tune into babies speech. 95% of a child's spoken language is learned through songs and rhymes.
- Let’s look at a book!
Did you know that - Children learn lots of new words through books: the more words I know the better I will do at school. Fathers play a significant part if they read to and play with their children. Pictures are a very important part of story books – even babies will point and make connections. The enjoyment of sharing books is the most important factor in learning to read. By sharing books together, the process of learning is already beginning. It is never too early to start reading to your baby and to chat about the pictures or the story.
- Our best place is face to face!
Did you know that - Babies look at your face to figure out what’s going on. They then map the words to what they see.
- For clear speech keep my dummy out of reach!
Did you know that - You will not be able to hear what I am saying if there is a dummy in my mouth. I cannot practice talking if there is something in my mouth.
- Play your part right from the start!
Did you know that - Babies need us to talk to them right from the start. Being a parent is the most important job in your child’s life and the most challenging. From birth, children are like sponges, soaking up words, skills and experiences that might be useful in the future
- Talk, talk, talk - please talk to me!
Did you know that - Talking is the heart of your child’s learning. Talking and listening to others helps them to learn new words.
- Keep our language alive and I will survive!
Did you know that - Children only learn to talk if we talk to them, babies need us to talk to them too. Children need to hear a word over 200 times before it sinks in. The sooner children hear languages such as Welsh, the sooner they will begin to pick it up and understand.
Useful Links:
If you need further support with your child's speech and language you should contact your Health Visitor, GP or school who will be able to advise you. Our Talk and Play Team may also be able to help.