Your body

If you, or anyone around you are hurt, seriously unwell or in danger, phone 999 straight away. You can click here to find out what to do in an emergency.

There are many services in RCT that can give advice and support children and young people of all ages. In this list you can find the help you need:

Sport and Exercise

Childline have excellent advice and guidance on the following topics:

  • Keeping active and healthy.
  • How to have a healthy balanced diet.

DEWIS is a database of all services that can help in your area. Here you can access a list of all services that can help you exercise and play sports in RCT.

Understanding Our Bodies

As you get older you might notice your body changing as you grow. Everyone’s body changes and this is totally normal but if you feel worried or have any questions, here are some excellent links to help you.

Childline have some great advice to help you understand anything you might be worried about to do with your body, such as:

  • Body Changes
  • How You Look
  • Feeling Different
  • People Saying Mean Things

Having a Disability or Being Ill

Some children may have a disability or an illness that means they may need some extra help at times. Here are some excellent tips and advice to answer any questions that you might have.

Childline have some a brilliant web pages that can help children who are disabled or have an illness that means you might need some extra help at times.