Thoughts and feelings

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You may have heard people talking about mental health. This is really important for all of us and means how you are feeling at any time. You may feel happy, excited, sad, worried or angry and all of these are completely normal!

Having good mental health does not mean that you will feel happy all of the time, things can happen to all of us that make us feel worried and sad too and this is OK. But if these thoughts or feelings are lasting for a long time or you feel as if you can't cope with them, it's time to get some help.

Below we have put together some helpful links to help you with this:

Eye to Eye have a free and confidential counselling service. This can take place in school, in your local area or online.

Childline have excellent advice and guidance on the following topics: 

  • Dealing with feelings and emotions
  • Coping with anxiety, stress and panic
  • Mental health services
  • Thoughts of suicide and self harm
  • Eating problems
  • Sexual and gender identity
  • Building confidence and self esteem
  • Asking for help

DEWIS is a database of all services that can help in your area. Here you can access a list of all services that can help your mental health and wellbeing in RCT. 

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