Helping Teenagers Sleep

Helping Teenagers Sleep

Sleep is so important for everyone. However, for your teenagers, getting to sleep can sometimes prove to be more difficult. Take a look at these tips to help them have a good night’s sleep.

  1. Keep to schedule – going to bed and waking up the same time every day is key to getting quality sleep. Even on weekends.  
  2. Have a pre-bed routine – it doesn’t need to be elaborate but having a set of steps they follow before bed will train their mind that it’s time to sleep. Suggest a relaxing shower or bath before bed.  
  3. Avoid caffeine – coffee and energy drinks are stimulants that can keep them awake. Try and avoid any food and drinks that have caffeine after lunch time.  
  4. Prepare your sleep space – their bedroom should be cool, dark and quiet for the best sleep. Try a fan and /or thick curtains in their room if there are noises they can’t control, consider some ear plugs.  
  5. Listen to hypnosis or meditation – it can be hard to switch off a racing mind at night. Suggest listening to a sleep hypnosis of guided meditation recording while they drift off to sleep at night.  
  6. Ditch the tech – this one might be hard to do but avoiding technology for the hour before bed will definitely improve their sleep quality. This includes their phone.

Useful Links

If you are worried about your child's sleep, you should book an appointment with your GP.