Education Post 16

Choosing a career can be very difficult. We have a few top tips to help you decide:

  • If you are still in school, ask them how they can help you find the right path for you.If not, a Career Advisor can help.
  • Talk to your family and friends about your ideas.
  • Visit college or university open days if you can. You can find out what is on offer as well as getting a feel for what it would be like to study there.
  • Talk to people who have left school to get their opinions.
  • Attend career events. This will give you opportunities to talk to colleges, universities and even careers advisors.
  • Research, research, research!

If you are just leaving school, here is an interesting video you can watch:


Research and Careers Advice
Open Events
Careers Events
College Transport
Further Support

Research and Careers Advice

Here are our top tips for researching and planning your journey:

  • Research different careers and what qualifications you would need. Careers Wales have some handy advice and even a quiz to help you find ideas to match your skills and interests.
  • Think about where you would like to go. You could stay on to sixth form, go to a college, university or training provider. You may even want to start working straight away.
  • Think about talking to a careers' advisor. Your school could help you with this. Careers Wales can also help you plan your journey.

Open Events

There are open days held at certain times of the year within RCT.

Career Events

To check for any career events being held in your area, you can:

College Transport

If you are between 14 - 19 you may be able to access free college transport. The RCTCBC Website has more information on eligibility and how to apply.

Further Support

If you need further support, there are some services in RCT that could help you.

YEPS offer more information such as:

  • Going to university.
  • Techniques for interviews for higher education.
  • Clearing.
  • Student life.
  • Studying aborad.
  • Student Finance.
  • YEPS can also offer One to One support.

Communities for Work can offer advice, guidance and One to One Support for those looking to get into employment, training or volunteering, including those on low incomes who are looking to up-skill.

Careers Wales offer further information such as: 

  • Options at 16
  • Options at 18
  • Changing Careers
  • Options after redundancy
  • Options for returners to work
  • Options for Graduates

You can also contact Careers Wales for advice and guidance.