Teen Life

The Teen Life programme has been developed by The National Autistic Society to help parents/carers understand more about how autism is experienced by autistic teenagers. Topics covered include self esteem, stress and anxiety, puberty and independence skills. The aim of the programme is to bring parents together to share information, experiences and ideas in a structured way.

Eligibility: Teen life is a 6 session programme for parents/carers of young people aged between 10-16 years old with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) diagnosis.
Cost: Free
Location: The venue for the programme has yet to be decided, more information will become available closer to the start of the programme
Duration: One 2-hour session a week for 6 weeks
Group Based or One to One?  The session is Group based and is either held virtually or in the community.

Families can contact the Information, Advice and Assistance Team by phone (01443 425006) or email (IAATeam@rctcbc.gov.uk) to self refer for this Parenting programme.